Post by sasha3502We had written in to our By-Laws that the Committee Chair would be
elected every year. She had our Charter throw out the By-Laws claining
all we needed were the BSA Guidelines. What if we got the By-Laws
That is not an option. The Committee Chair is appointed by the COR
and/or IH (institution head). The Committee Chair is responsible then
to select a committee with the COR and/or IH's approval. Then the
Committee selects the leaders. That is if you are going by the book.
In actual practice, we seldom can choose who we want but must take who
we can get. However, there is no excuse for a CC and Committee to
fight. They should select leaders they want and then support them.
The role of the CC and committee is to select the leaders and support
them. It sounds like your unit could use training all around.
Post by sasha3502Post by KWPost by sasha3502How do you go about having a committee chairperson removed? Our CP has
divided our committee and is ruining our troop by running out good
leaders and people.
Have you discussed your issues directly with the Committee Chairperson and
the Chartered Organization Rep? If that is not an option at least take the
facts and your list of grievances to the COR. Technically it is the
Chartered Organization's job to appoint (or remove) the CC.
It is the District Commissioner's staff and the District Executive's job
to work with the charter organization in working out such problems. I
know, I was a DE.
In one case the CC and COR were in a dispute and both were my good
friends. It turns out the COR was feuding with the IH (the pastor) and
the IH has the ultimate authority and was well intentioned. I had to
side with the IH and the CC and lost a very close friend. Good people
don't always agree, but we can't let such disputes ruin the program for
the Scouts.
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Cheers, Steve Henning in Reading, PA USA -