Hanne Gottliebsen
2009-01-27 13:55:05 UTC
I thought in the past the Space Derby kits came preshaped (the nose
rounded), but maybe I was wrong. At least now they are not preshaped.
Does anyone have a suggestion to how long is will take an average
Wolf/Bear to sand some kind of nose shape on the kit. I realize this is
the same sort of question as to the length of a piece of string, but I'm
trying to figure out if we can have Space Derby as an event activity as
we have used Raingutter Regata in the past.
rounded), but maybe I was wrong. At least now they are not preshaped.
Does anyone have a suggestion to how long is will take an average
Wolf/Bear to sand some kind of nose shape on the kit. I realize this is
the same sort of question as to the length of a piece of string, but I'm
trying to figure out if we can have Space Derby as an event activity as
we have used Raingutter Regata in the past.